(636) 387-5296
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3.8 stars | 125 reviews
(636) 387-5296Request an Estimate
Green Thumb Lawn Care N' Landscape|4520 Central School Rd, A, Saint Charles, MO 63304|(636) 387-5296

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I sign up for services?

Just call us (636) 387-5296 or fill out our contact form. We will come out to give you a free estimate on your lawn.

Why choose Green Thumb over another company?

Nearly 100% of our first-time customers have remained our customers. We pride ourselves on providing superior customer service customized to suit your needs.

How do you bill me for services?

We bill after the job is completed. If it's a mowing service, we require a credit card to be on file, and it will be run weekly after services are completed. Landscape and all other work will be billed and balance due upon completion.

What guarantees do you provide?

The treatments your lawn receives from Green Thumb Lawn Care N' Landscape do not guarantee perfect results. The outcome depends largely on your mowing and watering routine, the amount of shade and trees present, soil and grass varieties, and many other factors. However, if you are not satisfied, we'll keep working with you until you are, or we'll refund the cost of the last treatment.

If the weather is bad, will my treatment be pushed back to a later date?

Please don't worry if an application seems delayed. Weather plays a big part in when and where we can treat. Our materials are blended especially for our climate, and we will treat your lawn within the proper time frame.

Regarding mowing, if it is too wet to mow you on your regular cut day, we will be out the next day or the next dry day, whichever happens first.

It rained shortly after my lawn treatment was completed. Is it still okay?

If it rains within an hour of one of our treatments, don't be concerned. All of our treatments do best when watered. If a heavy downpour immediately follows a treatment, call us directly, and we can decide whether a reapplication is necessary.

Do I have to be present during your treatments?

There's no need to be home during a treatment. It takes less than one minute to treat a thousand square feet of lawn, so we're only there for a short time. However, if you'd like to be present, please let us know, and we can arrange a proper time to apply your treatment.

How do I make my lawn green?

First, start by watering properly. Without proper watering, nothing else you do to the grass will make it green.

Next, apply a little fertilizer throughout the summer. Without some nutrients consistently added throughout the growing season, the grass will fade and become less green than it can be. If you are watering and fertilizing properly, the grass will grow.

Third, if the lawn is cut improperly, it will not be as green as it can be. Simply put, mow high and let it lie. Putting these three practices together in the right combination and a green lawn is actually quite easy. But remember, once it gets green, there is a maximum level it will be. Once it's looking good, enjoy it, and don't keep trying to make it greener still. You'll be putting the lawn into a stress condition, which will eventually cause major problems.

How often should I mow?

Your lawn does best if mowed once every fourth or fifth day. Long intervals between mowing can damage the grass. Also, it's best to avoid mowing when the lawn is wet or mowing during the hottest part of the day. Usually, if it is too hot for you to get out and cut the grass, it's too hot for the grass.

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Serving the St Louis, St Charles, & Chesterfield areas.

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3.8 stars | 125 reviews
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