The key to proper landscaping is in the drainage system. Our professionals can design and build a personalized drainage system, uniquely engineered for your outdoor space. Our drainage work includes sprinklers and more.
This common hardscaping element holds soil behind it, preventing the earth from sliding away. It is a great way to accessorize sloping land. We can build retaining walls to better protect your space and complement your home.
A custom patio is the perfect place for your family to relax and unwind after a long day. Our professionals can meet with you to discuss your vision and talk about the build process. We take pride in our quality construction and patio builds.
In addition to creating smooth, easy pathways through your property, sidewalks are also a good visual element that add a little variety to your space. Meet with our professionals to see how we can lay down sidewalks for you.
Driveways require a specialized skillset in concrete to properly build. Green Thumb Lawn Care N' Landscape’s team members have the necessary tools and experience to build a driveway for you. We’ll design a driveway that works perfectly with your space.